6 simple ideas to turn your good mornings into gold mornings
It is no secret that whatever happens in the morning
sets the mood for the rest of the day. Hence it is advisory to keep your mornings at the best and keep them gold. Below are six quick and easy tips that if you
oath to follow will rise your mornings to the golden standard –
1. Improve the night before
Make sure to complete all the required works of the
day before the night ends. Keeping them for the next day will only rush up your
mornings. The level of stress on your mornings is directly proportional to the
number of works that you left unfinished the previous night. Also don’t stay up
too late. Thank the Gods and sleep comfortably.
2. Get out of bed on time
Sunrise is a delightful scene to watch. Waking up
before the sun is suggested by many but if you are a lazy worm, waking up with
the sun is also fine. The trick is to not wake up too early or too late. Time
your alarms correctly and in such a way that you don’t have to rush to catch
your bus.
3. Wake up to the people you love
This absolutely works. You can count on my words. I
just came back home a few days ago and believe me, waking up to see your family
safe and sound will make your day. There is this magic in seeing the faces of your loved ones as soon as you start your day.
4. Get super fresh
Splashing your body with water and scratching your
teeth with plastic doesn’t make you fresh. Give these morning routines a bit of
more attention. Use toothpaste that have freshening ingredients in it and get a
good brush. Since we are talking about Gold mornings here, I suggest you pick
up the gold standard of brush --- Colgate’s 360° Charcoal Gold
Also don’t forget to take a bath. Clean yourself
5. Eat well
It is never a good idea to skip breakfast. Always
eat healthy in the mornings. Take some hot beverage, tea or coffee, which ever
you prefer. Also adding fresh fruits to your plate will boost your energy and
health. Eat like a king.
That cup is gold too! |
6. Stay positive
Even if you know you will have a tiring day ahead,
try to start it with optimism and positivity. A mere good mood can turn your
mornings into gold. Do not put much stress on yourself in the mornings and stay
as light-headed as possible.
And now keep calm and enjoy your gold mornings.